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First aid on the bus: what to do if a person gets sick on the road

Traveling on a comfortable bus is a great pleasure! It doesn't matter if it's a short or long trip - you can relax, enjoy the scenery outside the window, listen to music, chat with friends and look forward to arriving at your destination.

Unfortunately, a sudden bad feeling can completely spoil the impression of the trip - there will be no energy and mood left for the trip. What should you do if you see that one of the passengers on your bus is getting sick?

Most importantly, do not be indifferent and do not ignore if you see that one of the passengers looks sick or exhausted. This can be one of the symptoms that a person needs medical help.

You need to react quickly: correctly ask the person how he feels and if he needs any help. It is often the case that people may be embarrassed to ask for help when they feel bad. So take the initiative - perhaps with your indifference you will save a person's life. 

Below, we will discuss the most common signs of passengers feeling unwell and methods for first aid on the road.

How to recognize that a passenger is feeling sick on the bus? 


Dizziness occurs with uncoordinated work of the organs of vision and the central nervous system, which is responsible for the feeling of the body's position in space and balance.

The causes of dizziness are different: from overwork, hunger, worries or a long trip in transport, to even the presence of serious diseases. This condition is not difficult to diagnose. The main symptoms are a "drunk" gait, the passenger's attempts to lean or grab onto something, the inability to stand or sit straight.

Dizziness can be accompanied by the following visible symptoms:

  • The feeling of rotation around its axis, incorrect position of the body in space.

  • Chills, when it seems to be freezing or, on the contrary, increased sweating.

  • A feeling of lack of air.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Tinnitus.

  • Darkening in the eyes.

To get rid of dizziness, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air. Ask the driver to stop the bus and, together with other passengers, help the person get out into the fresh air. You can apply a wet bandage to the forehead area and drink a little sweet tea. Further help should be provided by a doctor.


Doctors call motion sickness in the bus motion sickness. Feelings can be complicated by nausea, dizziness and weakness. Such symptoms are observed in those people in whom the vestibular apparatus works with functional disorders. In most cases, pumping is inherited, mostly children suffer from it. Staggering symptoms also disappear in teenagers, in some they pass, and in some they can remain for the rest of their lives.

The main symptoms of faltering:

  • Drowsiness, frequent yawning.

  • Pallor.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Rapid breathing and heartbeat.

  • Dizziness.

  • Headache.

  • Stomach pain.

What to do if one of the passengers started to shake in the bus? 

You can advise that person to follow these rules:

  • Move to the front seat - there is less swaying during movement.

  • Look directly in front of you at a specific point, for example, the horizon.

  • Breathe in fresh air, for example by opening a bus window.

  • Focus on your breathing: close your eyes and breathe slowly.

  • Lying down - in this way, the vestibular apparatus better tolerates changes in speed.

If all this does not help - ask the driver to stop the bus and as soon as possible help the passenger to get out into the fresh air, walk or lie on his back for a few minutes with his eyes closed. Applying a cool cloth to the forehead and taking a few sips of cool water can also help.

Even if you don't have medicine, be sure to contact the driver - the bus must have a first-aid kit with the necessary medicines. Do not hesitate to ask one of the passengers for help, perhaps there are those among them who also know how to provide first aid. 

Be attentive to those passengers who feel sick even after being assisted - it is possible that after that he may need professional medical assistance or hospitalization.

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