Mobile app KLR-BUS

Save on your trips with the KLR-Bus app

Especially for our passengers, we have developed a convenient application that allows you not only to quickly order tickets, but also to control your trip in real time from your smartphone.

It's more convenient in the app.

Advantages of the KLR-Bus app

Special offers

Special offers such as early booking and others are only available to app users.

Bus tracking

Ability to track the bus in real time.

Travel information

Departure time and place, arrival time and place, bus number, and a list of intermediate stops.

Electronic tickets

Electronic tickets that are always at hand.

Save up to -50% on trips with the KLR Bus app

Download the mobile app for any platform, get discounts on trips, and be the first to know about all promotions!




Order tickets
to over 10 European countries