Offer agreement

on the provision of services for booking, registration and sale of tickets for bus transportation of passengers and baggage
KLR Bus sales system


LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "KLR UA"/KLR IMPERIAL.SL (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE Contractor), acting on behalf and in the interests of the Carrier on the basis of an agreement, on the one hand,
and an INDIVIDUAL (LEGAL ENTITY) who has applied to  the Contractor for services for booking, issuance and sale of tickets for bus transportation of passengers and baggage, or a person in whose name the ticket is issued (hereinafter referred to  as the Customer or the Passenger), on the other hand,
collectively referred to as the "Parties", and each separately as a "Party", have entered into this Public Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the  Agreement, the Offer) as follows:


Ⅰ.1. Public Offer (Offer) is a public offer of the Contractor in the form of a Public Agreement for the provision of services for booking, issuance and sale  of tickets for bus transportation of passengers and baggage, which contains all the essential conditions and is published on the Internet on the Contractor's website

and in the mobile application or  (hereinafter referred to as the Mobile Application).

Ⅰ.2. Acceptance of the Offer shall mean full, unconditional, unconditional acceptance by the Customer (Passenger) of the terms of the Offer without any exceptions and/or restrictions, by performing any actions to create an order for services, submit an order for booking services, payment or any other actions of the Customer (Passenger) aimed at ordering services (their booking) on the website  of the Contractor or in the Mobile Application after full or partial payment for the Service.

Acceptance is equated in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine before the Parties conclude a bilateral written agreement on the terms set out below in this Offer.

Ⅰ.3. Website – open for free visual inspection by any person, publicly accessible website owned by the Contractor, located on the Internet at the address, together with all its functionality, pages, graphics, etc., designed to receive services for finding a vehicle, its route, availability of free seats, booking, sale of travel documents (tickets) for this transport and other services.

Ⅰ.4. Service shall mean paid services for transportation of the Passenger and his/her baggage in accordance with the route chosen by him/her, date and time of departure of the Carrier's vehicle. The scope of the Service and the beginning of its provision shall be chosen by the Customer (Passenger) independently when placing the Order from the options offered by the Contractor. The list of services provided to the Customer under the Order may be changed by the provider of such services unilaterally.

Ⅰ.5. Electronic passenger ticket, itinerary receipt, insurance policy shall mean an electronic digital document stored in the system of the Service Provider, the Contractor or in the global booking system, containing a complete set of data about the Service, displaying the identification data of the Carrier (the company providing the Service), the Customer, certifying the purchase of the Service, confirming the right of the person specified in the travel document to use the Service. Provided to the Customer in the form of an electronic document:  itinerary receipt/electronic ticket (hereinafter referred to as the Ticket).

Ⅰ.6. Order (Booking, Reservation) shall mean a written or electronic request for obtaining (booking, ordering) the Service selected by the Customer, received by the Contractor by technical means of reservation, including through the "on-line" booking system, or in any other way established by this Agreement or by the Contractor, which contains a complete list of information necessary for the registration of the transportation service (bus ticket).

In this Agreement, the Reservation Application shall be deemed to be the Customer's acceptance of  this Agreement, and shall mean the Customer's consent to reimburse the losses incurred by the Contractor as a result of its withdrawal by the Customer. Reservation may provide for full or partial payment at the time of making the reservation, or payment within the allotted period after the reservation is made. An unpaid reservation means that the order is reserved for a specified period of time and during this time can only be sold To the Customer who made this Order.

Ⅰ.7. Customer shall mean an individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur who, on the basis of the Public Agreement concluded with the Contractor, ordered the Service in its own interests and/or in the interests of third parties and/or pays for such services.

Ⅰ.8. Passenger shall mean a person who is indicated as a recipient of transportation services, or otherwise uses the services purchased from the Contractor in accordance with the Ticket (paper ticket).

Ⅰ.9. Carrier shall mean a person who directly provides the Passenger and baggage transportation service selected and paid for by the Customer (Passenger).

Ⅰ.10. Valid travel documents shall mean documents that are recognized as appropriate in all countries on the territory of which the Passenger is transported, which allow him/her to cross the internal and external borders of countries, the validity of which has not expired or will not expire before the end of the planned trip. The list of these documents depends on the requirements of the legislation of the country from which or into which the Passenger enters. Any Passenger document shall not be considered a valid travel document,  if, due to its improper execution or validity period, a penalty is applied to the Carrier by foreign competent authorities.

Ⅰ.11. Rules of Carriage of Passengers and Baggage shall mean the rules established by the Carrier, which determine the conditions, rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Passenger during transportation and in connection with it (hereinafter referred to as the Rules of Carriage), which the Passenger is obliged to familiarize themselves with before clicking on the "Pay" button.

Ⅰ.12. Personal data is information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified (first and last name, contact details, payment details, e-mail address, etc.).

Ⅰ.13. The owner of personal data is an individual whose personal data is processed and who has consented to their processing.

Ⅰ.14. Processing of personal data is any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use and distribution (distribution, sale, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including using information (automated) systems.

Ⅰ.15. Consent of the subject of personal data is a voluntary expression of the will of an individual (representative of an individual) to grant permission to process his/her personal data by registering on the site, putting a mark in the appropriate field of the site about giving consent, using the site, etc.

Ⅰ.16. The "early booking" service is a preliminary promotional ticket sale.

Ⅰ.17. A loyalty program is a system for accruing bonus funds that allows users to receive cashback for buying tickets after a trip and spend it to pay for orders.


Ⅱ.1. This Agreement (public offer) is posted on the Website and in the Mobile Application, in accordance with Art. 633, 634, 641, 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine contains all the essential conditions for the provision of the Services by the Contractor and offers an unlimited number of persons to receive the Services on the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement.

Ⅱ.2. The terms and conditions of this Agreement determine the relationship between its Parties and shall be the same for all Customers (Passengers), except for those to whom the legislation of Ukraine provides the relevant benefits (if any).

Ⅱ.3. The Agreement may be amended without notice unilaterally by the Contractor by posting a new version of this Agreement on its website.

The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its publication on the Website or in the Mobile Application.

Ⅱ.4. Any Customer (Passenger) has a free opportunity and is obliged to review all the terms and conditions of the Agreement in the current version on his/her computer, tablet or phone by clicking on the name of the Agreement in the column that requires the consent of the Customer (Passenger) to fulfill the obligations under the Agreement and consent to it.

Ⅱ.5. If the Customer does not agree with the terms of the Offer, he is obliged to stop using the Site or the Mobile Application and not to take actions aimed at accepting the Offer.

Ⅱ.6. By agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Customer (Passenger) confirms his/her authority, legal capacity and capacity, financial solvency, and is also aware of the responsibility for the obligations imposed on him/her as a result of the conclusion of this Agreement.

Ⅱ.7. Full or partial payment by the Customer (Passenger) shall be deemed to be the evidence of unconditional acceptance of the Agreement. Thus, the Customer (Passenger) confirms the authenticity of his/her (Passenger's) personal data and assumes full responsibility for their accuracy, completeness and reliability. The Customer (Passenger) assumes all possible commercial risks (placing a new order, changing the fare, refund, etc.) associated with his guilty actions to make mistakes, inaccuracies in the provision of personal data.


Ⅲ.1. Under the Agreement, the Contractor shall provide services for the search for the appropriate Carrier, in accordance with the date, time and direction chosen by the Customer (Passenger), the formation (combination) of transfers with different Carriers, the conclusion of a transportation agreement by selling/purchasing a Ticket for the Customer (Passenger), issuing tickets of different Carriers in one order, pre-sale of tickets for bus transportation of passengers and baggage, seat reservation, ordering a ticket by phone or via the Internet,  search for the optimal schedule at the request of the Customer, informing and round-the-clock support of the Customer (Passenger), as well as prepayment for the Ticket with funds received from the Customer (Passenger).

Ⅲ.2. The Contractor, by selling the Ticket using the Website or the Mobile Application, confirms that it has the right to sell this Ticket, in accordance with the conditions and obligations determined by the Carrier.

Purchase of a Ticket by the Customer (Passenger), in turn, shall be evidence of the conclusion of a contract of carriage.

Ⅲ.3. For the services provided by the Contractor, the Customer (Passenger) shall pay the Contractor funds in accordance with the current tariffs of the Carrier/Contractor posted on the Website or in the Mobile Application. Banking services related to the transfer of funds under the Agreement shall be paid by the Party that performs them. Tariffs may be changed by the Contractor unilaterally by posting the changed tariffs on the Website and in the Mobile Application.

Ⅲ.4. If this Agreement is concluded by the Customer in the interests of the Passenger(s), the Customer, by signing this Agreement, confirms and guarantees to the Contractor that the Client has the necessary authority and power of attorney from the Passenger(s) to enter into this Agreement in the interests of the latter. At the same time, the Customer shall be jointly and severally liable under the terms of this Agreement, together with the Passenger(s), as well as the Customer's actions create civil rights and obligations for the Passenger(s) under the terms of this Agreement.

Ⅲ.5. The identifier of the Customer (Passenger) shall be the e-mail address and/or telephone number indicated when purchasing the Ticket (paper ticket).

Ⅲ.6. The rights and obligations of the passenger who purchased a ticket on the Website or in the Mobile Application in relation to the conditions of carriage are determined by the contract and the rules of carriage provided by the Carrier.

Ⅲ.7. Violation of the terms and conditions of the Carrier's public contract and transportation rules shall be grounds for refusal to use the ticket and provide transportation services, without the right to refund.

Ⅲ.8. The Customer, who has made a reservation, payment for the Services under this Agreement, a passenger seat or other services, confirms that he/she is familiar with and unconditionally accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If the Customer is not a Passenger, when booking and paying for the Services, he/she confirms that he/she is an authorized person of the Passenger in whose name the reservation and payment for the Services is made, and by making payment for the Services, confirms that he/she has brought to the attention of the Passenger the terms and conditions of this Agreement and other information necessary for the Passenger to receive the transportation service.

Ⅲ.9. Information about the route of transportation, date and time of commence/end of transportation, name of the Carrier, etc., shall be indicated directly on the Transportation Ticket.

Ⅲ.10. For the Services provided, the Contractor receives a remuneration consisting of the amount of funds included in the cost of the Ticket, and defined as the Agency fee (paid by the Carrier).

Ⅲ.11. The Contractor, acting as an agent, on behalf of, at the expense of the Carrier, using the Website or Mobile Application, books and sells tickets for bus transportation of passengers and baggage, special offers, discounts and provides information.



Ⅳ.1. The Customer (Passenger) shall have the right to:

Ⅳ.1.1. to receive timely and complete information about the terms and procedure for the provision of the Services;

Ⅳ.1.2. cancel the trip, return the Ticket (paper ticket) and get back the full or partial cost of the Ticket (paper ticket) - depending on the term of its return, on the terms established by the Carrier.

Ⅳ.1.3. get a seat in the vehicle according to the purchased ticket;

Ⅳ.1.4. carry Baggage free of charge within the limits established by the Contract and the Carrier's Carriage Rules;

Ⅳ.1.5. for reimbursement of documented damages, if the Contractor is guilty;

Ⅳ.1.6. other rights provided for in this Agreement.

Ⅳ.2. Obligations of the Customer (Passenger):

Ⅳ.2.1. before purchasing a Ticket (paper ticket), familiarize themselves with this Agreement, transportation rules, transportation fares and other documents posted on the official website of the Contractor or in the Mobile Application and related to transportation, accurately determine the date and time of travel, schedule and route, ensure the availability of valid travel documents;

Ⅳ.2.2. indicate the necessary and reliable information when placing an order for the Service;

Ⅳ.2.3. immediately check the correctness of the data specified in the Ticket (paper ticket) immediately after receiving it and, in case of errors, immediately initiate the necessary changes;

Ⅳ.2.4. pay for the Services in accordance with the terms of this Contract and the Carrier's tariffs;

Ⅳ.2.5. keep the Ticket and present it at the request of the Carrier;

Ⅳ.2.6. arrive at the place of departure in advance;

Ⅳ.2.7. have with him all duly executed documents necessary for entry into the countries of destination, transit countries along the route of transportation and present them at the request of the Carrier, its drivers and persons entitled to carry out control;

Ⅳ.2.8. occupy the seat indicated on the Ticket, keep it and present it at the request of the Carrier, its drivers and persons entitled to control;

Ⅳ.2.9. perform other duties provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine and the legislation of foreign countries along the route of transportation.

Ⅳ.3. The Contractor has the right to:

Ⅳ.3.1. independently change the terms of the Agreement, including adjusting the current fares provided by the Carrier, changing the terms of this Agreement by publishing a notice of such changes on the Website, in the mobile application;

Ⅳ.3.2. refuse transportation to the Passenger in case of violation of the requirements (provisions) determined by the Transportation Rules;

Ⅳ.3.3. offer additional paid services to Passengers;

Ⅳ.3.4. sell reserved but unpaid seats in agreement with the Carrier;

Ⅳ.3.5. other rights provided for by law and this Agreement.

Ⅳ.4. The Contractor undertakes:

Ⅳ.4.1. take measures to provide safe, convenient and high-quality Services;

Ⅳ.4.2. provide information and advice on issues arising from Passengers regarding the use of services: placing an order, booking a seat, additional Baggage, etc.;

Ⅳ.4.3. perform other duties provided for in this Agreement.


Ⅴ.1. The passenger must arrive at the bus departure point indicated on the Ticket no later than 30 minutes in advance.

Ⅴ.2. In the absence of the Passenger at the agreed place for boarding the vehicle and the time of departure, the transportation shall be deemed cancelled and all contractual obligations terminated at the initiative of the Passenger. In this case, the cost of the Ticket shall not be refunded to the Customer (Passenger).

Ⅴ.3. Tickets are refunded:

Ⅴ.3.1. In case of cancellation of a flight by the Carrier, the passenger will be refunded 100% of the ticket price.

Ⅴ.3.2. Voluntary return of a ticket by a passenger shall be subject to the conditions specified by the Carrier.

Ⅴ.3.3. If the passenger disagrees with the rules of ticket refund, the decision on refund shall be made by the Carrier.

Ⅴ.4. In the presence of force majeure circumstances (circumstances of irresistible force), the boarding place may be changed by the Carrier unilaterally, of which the Contractor shall notify the Passenger in advance before the departure of the bus. The Passenger shall be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions proposed by the Contractor without any remarks or any claims against the Contractor/Carrier, if the Passenger continues to travel on the terms and conditions proposed by the Carrier. In the future, the Passenger's claims on any issues in this regard shall not be considered and shall not be satisfied.

Ⅴ.5. At the time of boarding, the Passenger is obliged to present valid travel documents and check in his/her baggage in the baggage compartment. The Passenger is warned that in case of refusal to present documents or in the absence of any of the required valid travel documents (expiration of its validity), the Carrier has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract with the Passenger without reimbursement of the cost of the Ticket.

Ⅴ.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the delay of transport while driving and the untimely arrival of transport to the places of embarkation and disembarkation of passengers.

Ⅴ.7. The driver of a passenger vehicle shall not allow the Passengers to travel if they:

Ⅴ.7.1. do not have tickets or do not present a certificate of the established form confirming the right to travel benefits;

Ⅴ.7.2. do not have valid travel documents;

Ⅴ.7.3. are in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication;

Ⅴ.7.4. disturb public order;

Ⅴ.7.5. carry dangerous goods, including flammable, explosive and those that can contaminate the bus or passengers' clothes.

Ⅴ.7.6. passengers presenting a passport of a citizen of the russian federation

If the Passenger is not allowed to travel in the cases provided for by this Agreement, the Agreement shall be deemed to be executed, despite the fact that the transportation was performed in a different volume than that provided for by the Ticket (paper ticket), the cost of the trip shall not be reimbursed and claims shall not be considered by the Contractor.

Ⅴ.8. The time of arrival on the Ticket is indicated approximately, taking into account force majeure circumstances that may arise on the way (weather conditions, traffic jams, obstacle avoidance, actions and decisions of state regulatory authorities, actions and decisions of state and local bodies and administrations, queues at state borders, an accident with a bus and its unforeseen technical malfunction), including force majeure.

Ⅴ.9. If there is a delay in the departure of the flight for any reason from the point of departure or arrival at the point of destination indicated on the Ticket, the Passenger may use the trip with a changed timetable and/or itinerary or initiate the return of the unused part of the trip based on the fare of 1 km. In the event that the Passenger used a trip with a changed timetable and/or route, further claims will not be considered.

Ⅴ.10. The Contractor does not guarantee and is not responsible for the late arrival of buses to their destinations, transfers to other modes of transport and other carriers, flight connections.

Ⅴ.11. On domestic and international flights of the Carrier, a passenger is allowed to carry baggage in the baggage compartment of the bus free of charge, and in the cabin of the bus on the luggage rack – hand luggage, the number of units, dimensions and weight of which are determined by the Carrier.

Ⅴ.12. Transportation of animals is allowed under the conditions established by the Carrier, and taking into account the relevant norms of Ukrainian and international legislation.

Ⅴ.13. In the absence of valid travel documents for the transportation of animals, the Passenger will be denied transportation without a refund.



Ⅵ.1. The loyalty program is not a game of chance, lottery, or a service in the field of gambling.

Ⅵ.2. The Loyalty Program in its legal essence is an adhesion agreement based on the provisions of Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and has the following essential conditions:

- the passenger independently gets acquainted with the Rules before the start of participation in the Program and monitors their changes in the current mode;

- the passenger participates in the Program in person;

Ⅵ.3 The loyalty program is available only to passengers who have filled out a questionnaire on the official website  and registered in their personal account.

Ⅵ.4. The equivalent of the ratio of 1 bonus hryvnia is equal to 1 hryvnia.

Ⅵ.5. The maximum amount that can be paid with bonus funds is 50% of the ticket price. A ticket available for payment with bonus funds must cost at least 1000 UAH.  

Ⅵ.6. Cashback is credited for tickets paid only by bank card, after the trip is completed.

Ⅵ.7. Purchased tickets, part of the payment for which is bonus funds, are subject to refund only in the part of actually paid funds, according to the refund rules established by the road carrier.

Ⅵ.8. Purchased tickets, part of the payment for which is bonus funds, may be postponed to another date, subject to an additional payment to the full cost of the ticket set for the selected date of travel. 

Ⅵ.9. Legal entities cannot participate in the program.

Ⅵ.10. The Program is intended solely for the personal use of individuals.

Ⅵ.11. The information left by the passenger in the questionnaire (mobile phone number, email, full name, any other information) is his/her personal data. Passenger's personal data is confidential information, collection and further processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" and other regulatory legal acts of Ukraine.

Ⅵ.12. The terms of the loyalty program are posted on the KLR Bus website at the link .



Ⅶ.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable as provided for by laws and this Agreement.

Ⅶ.2. The Contractor shall not be liable for the provision of services and the fulfillment of the Carrier's obligations to the Passenger.

Ⅶ.3. The Contractor shall not be responsible for the safety of baggage, valuables and documents of the Customer/Passenger during the entire period of receipt of services under this Agreement. Responsibility for the safety of their property both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad is borne by the person to whom the Services are provided.

Ⅶ.4. The Customer shall be fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided about himself and the Passengers and the validity of the documents provided. In case of non-departure of the Customer/Passenger due to incorrect issuance of the passport or other necessary documents, including for a child, all financial expenses shall be borne exclusively by the Customer/Passenger.

Ⅶ.5. If the Customer acted without proper authority to purchase a ticket in the name of a third party (Passenger(s)) and its actions were not coordinated with the Passenger(s), then the Customer shall be personally fully liable for any losses to the Passenger(s).

Ⅶ.6. Failure to comply with the Rules of Carriage by the Customer (Passenger) may result in cancellation of orders and denial of access to the purchased Services, including the opportunity to use the Ticket (paper ticket), without a refund of the money spent on its provision.

Ⅶ.7. The driver of a passenger vehicle has the right not to allow Passengers who do not have valid travel documents to travel, without a refund of the funds spent on giving a Ticket (paper ticket).


Ⅷ.1. The Parties shall be exempt from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, if such non-fulfillment of obligations was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could not foresee and which the Parties could not prevent by their own actions. Such force majeure circumstances include (including, but not limited to:

natural disasters, hostilities, war, embargo, quarantine, pandemic, epidemic, decisions of public authorities that made it impossible to implement this Agreement. The period of force majeure is confirmed by a certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (its territorial body).

Ⅷ.2. Upon the occurrence and termination of the circumstances specified in clause 7.1 of this Agreement, the Party for which it has become impossible to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement must notify the other Party in writing within 5 working days.

Ⅷ.3. In the absence of timely notification provided for in clause 7.2 of this Agreement, the Party is obliged to compensate the other Party for losses incurred due to the lack of notification or untimely notification, except for cases when such notification became impossible due to force majeure.

Ⅷ.4. In the event that force majeure circumstances last more than a month, each of the Parties has the right to initiate the termination of this Agreement by sending a written notice to the other Party 15 (fifteen) calendar days before the projected date of termination.



Ⅸ.1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its acceptance by the Customer (Passenger) and shall be valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

Ⅸ.2. Any disputes regarding the performance of this Agreement arising at the initiative of the Customer (Passenger) shall be subject to consideration by the relevant court at the location of the Contractor in compliance with the claim procedure. A written claim shall be sent to the location of the Contractor. The claim shall be considered by the Contractor within one month from the date of its receipt, unless otherwise specified by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Ⅸ.3. The Parties have decided that in case of discrepancies between the terms of this Agreement and the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. In everything that is not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as the legislation of the country of registration of the international Carrier.

Ⅸ.4. The Contractor and the Customer (Passenger) shall exchange messages by e-mail correspondence or publication on the Website. The Customer (Passenger) agrees that all messages, news and other communications in electronic form prepared by the Contractor comply with the same legal requirements as in paper form.

Documents submitted by the Customer (Passenger) by electronic means of communication (electronic documents) to the Contractor may be taken into account by the latter before exchanging them for originals.

Ⅸ.5. All textual information and graphic images on the Site are the property of the Contractor and/or its contractors. The Customer (Passenger) shall not be entitled to modify, copy, distribute, create derivative works, sell or use the Contractor's intellectual property in any other way. Such actions will be considered a violation of copyright and the Contractor reserves the right to apply to violators all legally permissible preventive measures to protect and restore their rights.

Ⅸ.6. The Parties under this Agreement shall take all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality (non-disclosure) of technological, financial, commercial, confidential and other information and documentation, trade secrets, personal data of individuals received from the other Party.



Х.1, Providing your personal data KLR UA LLC / KLR IMPERIAL.SL, the Site Visitor/User/Client agrees to their KLR UA LLC / KLR IMPERIAL.SL, including for the purpose of promoting goods and services, as well as the transfer of personal data to third parties involved in the KLR UA LLC / KLR IMPERIAL.SL in order to fulfill obligations to site visitors/User/Client under the Public Offer.

Х.2, The Site Visitor / User / Client agrees to receive  transactional-trigger messages, information messages, as well as news and marketing messages from KLR UA LLC / KLR  IMPERIAL.SL. The frequency of messages depends on the factors and actions of the Site Visitor/User/Client, at the same time, KLR UA LLC/KLR IMPERIAL.SL undertakes to start reasonable efforts so that the Site Visitor/User/Client does not receive an excessive number of mailings.

Х.3. The Site Visitor/User/Client is responsible for the information provided by KLR UA LLC / KLR  IMPERIAL.SL on the Site in a publicly available form.

Х.4. KLR UA LLC / KLR IMPERIAL.SL has the right to record telephone conversations with the site visitor/User/Client. At the same time, KLR UA LLC / KLR  IMPERIAL.SL undertakes: to prevent attempts of unauthorized access to information obtained during telephone conversations, and/or to transfer it to third parties who are not directly related to the execution of Orders.

Х.5 If the Site Visitor/User/Client wants to unsubscribe from the newsletter, it is enough to click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the email. Unsubscribing from receiving notifications is always available at the bottom of each email message, and KLR UA LLC IMPERIAL.SL  always responds to requests from site visitors/Users/Clients to unsubscribe from receiving notifications when contacting technical support (

Х.6. Addresses:

KLR UA LLC: 2900, Khmelnitsky, st. Vinnytsia highway, 12/2. Contact phone numbers +380687706030, +380638994748. E-mail address of the Site Administration for consideration of requests from users and other persons, including the provision of technical support to users:,

KLR IMPERIAL, S.L. Número de identificación fiscal: B16386385, Dirección Jurídica: C/Músico Agustín Bertomeu n-3 Bloque 5 Planta 3 Letra C Código postal 03008 Alicante

Institución bancaria: Banco Santander, IBAN: ES1600496950082310059308 SWIFT:  BSCHESMM Correo electrónico: Teléfono: +34688466443

Х.7. Each telephone number entered by the User when making a reservation and/or purchasing passenger transportation is assigned an ID – NUMBER, which is a set of symbols that can be used to identify the User in the reservation system, for the purpose of effective processing of orders (order history) and calls to the User's system. ID – NUMBER may be transferred to a third party, without the consent of the User (for example, in Google Analytics in order to identify the user visiting the site from different devices). The user has the right to refuse to be assigned an ID number by contacting the e-mail address





ХІ.1. The site does use cookies. Cookies are an industry standard and are used by many sites, make it easier for users to access the use of certain websites in a current manner, provide information that is used to provide content of interest to the user and for other purposes, such as security and other administrative functions of the account, and functions that can help in tracking information that can be used to identify the user. Cookies cannot damage the system or computer files and only the site that transmitted certain cookies can read, modify and delete such files.

ХІ.2. If the User does not wish to receive information collected through cookies, most browsers have the option of deleting existing cookies, automatically rejecting them, or offering the option between rejecting or accepting individual cookies by a computer. To learn more about this feature, see your browser's user manual or help window. Some of the use of cookies on the Site may be under the control of organizations beyond the control of organizations hired by "KLR Bus" to manage certain programs and process individual requests of visitors/clients/users. "KLR Bus" requires such businesses to use cookies in compliance with these. of the Rules, however, "KLR Bus" is not responsible for the use of cookies by third parties.






EDRPOU code 43262137,

Location: 29011, Khmelnitsky, st. Vinnitsa highway, 12/2,

E-mail::, official website address:

Phone: 068-770-60-30 (round-the-clock, free of charge from landline and mobile phones from Ukraine). Bank details: Khmelnitsky branch of JSC CB "Privatbank", MFO 315405,

c/a 26004052337425, IBAN UA 513154050000026004052337425.



Número de identificación fiscal: B16386385,

Dirección Jurídica: C/Músico Agustín Bertomeu n-3 Bloque 5 Planta 3 Letra C Código postal 03008 Alicante Institución bancaria: Banco Santander,

IBAN: ES1600496950082310059308 SWIFT:  BSCHESMM Correo electrónico: Teléfono: +34688466443