Terms and conditions

Passenger and Baggage Transportation Agreement


on providing passenger and baggage transportation services on KLR bus routes

Limited Liability Company "Lux-Reisen Bis", represented by Director Victoria Salatska, acting on the basis of the Charter (hereinafter referred to as the Carrier), on the one hand,

and an INDIVIDUAL (LEGAL) ENTITY who approached the Carrier for passenger and baggage transportation services or a person in whose name the ticket is issued (hereinafter referred to as the Customer or Passenger), on the other hand,

collectively referred to as the "Parties," and each separately as a "Party," have concluded this Public Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, Offer) on the following:


1.1. Website – an open, publicly accessible website belonging to LLC "KLR UA," located on the Internet at https://klr.com.ua/, along with all its functional capabilities, pages, graphics, etc., designed for receiving services such as searching for a vehicle, its route, availability of free seats, booking, selling travel documents (tickets) for this transport, and other services.

1.2. Service – paid services for transporting the Passenger and their baggage according to the route, date, and time of departure chosen by them. The scope of the Service and the start of its provision are chosen by the Customer (Passenger) independently. The list of services provided to the Customer (Passenger) within the Order may be changed by the Carrier unilaterally.

1.3. Public Offer (Offer) – a public proposal by the Carrier in the form of a Public Agreement for providing passenger and baggage transportation services, which contains all essential terms and is published on the Internet on the ticket sales agent's website https://klr.com.ua/,

in the Mobile Application https://apps.apple.com/ua/app/klr-bus/id1588675068?l=uk, or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.klr.clients&hl=ru (hereinafter referred to as the Mobile Application), and is also published on the websites of any other agents selling tickets for the Carrier's routes.

1.4. Acceptance (agreement) of the Offer – the complete, unconditional, and unreserved acceptance by the Customer (Passenger) of the terms of the Offer without any exceptions and/or limitations, by making full or partial payment for the ticket on the website of LLC "KLR UA" https://klr.com.ua/, in the Mobile Application or through other agents selling tickets for the Carrier's routes.

Acceptance is equivalent to concluding a bilateral written agreement between the Parties under the terms set out below in this Offer, in accordance with Article 642, Part 2, of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

1.5. Electronic Passenger Ticket, Itinerary Receipt, Insurance Policy – an electronic document stored in the service provider's system, ticket sales agent, or global reservation system, containing a complete set of data about the Service, reflecting the Carrier's identification data (the company providing the Service), the Customer, confirming the purchase of the Service, and certifying the right of the person specified in the travel document to use the Service. Provided to the Customer as an electronic document: itinerary receipt/electronic ticket (hereinafter referred to as the Ticket).

1.6. Paper Ticket – a travel document of the established form, which grants the Passenger the right to receive transportation services according to the data registered in the ticket - name, surname of the passenger, route, date, and time.

1.7. A Booking Application is considered an acceptance by the Customer of this Agreement and indicates the Customer's consent to compensate the Carrier for damages incurred due to its cancellation by the Customer. Booking may involve full or partial payment at the time of reservation or payment within the allotted time after booking. Unpaid booking means that the order is reserved for a certain period and can only be sold to the Customer who placed this Order within this time.

1.8. Customer – an individual, legal entity, or sole proprietor who, based on an agreement with the Carrier or a Ticket (paper ticket) purchased from a third party for the Carrier's route, has ordered the Service for their own interests and/or for the interests of third parties and/or pays for such services.

1.9. Passenger – a person specified as the recipient of transportation services or otherwise uses the Carrier's services according to the Ticket (paper ticket).

1.10. Valid travel documents – documents recognized as valid in all countries through which the Passenger's journey takes place, allowing them to cross internal and external borders of countries, the validity of which has not expired or will not expire before the end of the planned trip. The list of such documents depends on the requirements of the legislation of the country from which or to which the Passenger is traveling. Any document of the Passenger is not considered a valid travel document if, due to its improper processing or validity period, foreign competent authorities apply a penalty to the Carrier.

1.11. Baggage – items intended for personal use by passengers, packed in bags or suitcases, transported on the same route in the baggage compartment of the bus.

1.12. Hand Luggage – small personal items that do not exceed the dimensions of 45 cm x 35 cm x 20 cm and weigh up to 5 kg (outerwear, handbag, water bottle, umbrella, laptop, etc.). Hand luggage is placed under the seat or on the luggage shelf. The Passenger is responsible for the safety of hand luggage during the trip, including stops and border crossings.

1.13. Passenger and Baggage Transportation Rules – rules established by the Carrier, which define the conditions, rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Passenger during transportation and in connection with it (hereinafter referred to as the Transportation Rules).

1.14. Personal Data – information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified (name and surname, contact information, payment details, email address, etc.).

1.15. Data Subject – an individual whose personal data is processed and who has given consent to its processing.

1.16. Personal Data Processing – any action or set of actions such as collecting, recording, accumulating, storing, adapting, altering, updating, using, and disseminating (distributing, selling, transferring), anonymizing, destroying personal data, including through the use of information (automated) systems.

1.17. Consent of the Data Subject – the voluntary expression of will by an individual (representative of the individual) regarding the permission to process their personal data by registering on the website, marking the appropriate field on the website indicating consent, using the website, etc.

1.18. Early Booking Service – a pre-promotional sale of tickets.


2.1. This Agreement (Public Offer) is posted on the Website, in the Mobile Application, and on other resources of agents selling tickets for the Carrier's routes, in accordance with Articles 633, 634, 641, 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, and contains all essential conditions for the Carrier to provide Services and offers an unlimited number of persons to receive Services on the terms defined in this Agreement.

2.2. The terms of this Agreement define the relationship between the Parties and are established equally for all Customers (Passengers), except for those who are provided with corresponding benefits by the legislation of Ukraine (if available).

2.3. The Agreement may be amended without notice unilaterally by the Carrier by officially publishing a new version of this Agreement.

The new version of the Agreement takes effect from the moment it is published on the Website, in the Mobile Application, and on other resources of agents selling tickets for the Carrier's routes.

2.4. Any Customer (Passenger) has the free opportunity and is obliged to review all the terms of the Agreement in the current version on their computer, tablet, or phone by clicking on the name of the Agreement in the column requiring the Customer (Passenger) to agree to comply with the obligations under the Agreement and agree to it.

2.5. If the Customer does not agree with the terms of the Offer, they are obliged to stop using the Website or Mobile Application or other resource for selling tickets for the Carrier's routes and not take actions directed at accepting the Offer.

2.6. By agreeing to the terms of this Agreement, the Customer (Passenger) confirms their authority, legal capacity, financial capability, and awareness of the responsibility for obligations imposed on them as a result of concluding this Agreement.

2.7. The full or partial payment by the Customer (Passenger) is evidence of unconditional acceptance of the Agreement. Thus, the Customer (Passenger) confirms the accuracy of their (Passenger's) personal data and takes full responsibility for their accuracy, completeness, and authenticity. The Customer (Passenger) assumes all possible commercial risks (creating a new order, changing the tariff, refunding money, and others) associated with their faulty actions in admitting errors and inaccuracies in providing personal data.

2.8. The Agreement number corresponds to the number of the Ticket (paper ticket) purchased by the Customer (Passenger), and the date of concluding the Agreement is the date of any payment made for the chosen Ticket (paper ticket).


3.1. Under the Agreement, the Carrier provides passenger and baggage transportation services, and the Customer (Passenger) undertakes to accept and pay for the provided services.

Purchasing a Ticket (paper ticket) for the Carrier's route by the Customer (Passenger) is evidence of concluding a transportation agreement.

3.2. For the services provided by the Carrier, the Customer (Passenger) pays the Carrier according to the current tariffs of the Carrier, posted on the Website or in the Mobile Application or other resources selling tickets for the Carrier's routes.

Bank services related to the transfer of funds within the framework of the Agreement are paid by the Party that carries them out. Tariffs may be changed unilaterally by the Carrier by posting the changed tariffs on the Website, in the Mobile Application, on other resources selling tickets.

3.3. In the event of this Agreement being concluded by the Customer in the interests of the Passenger(s), the Customer by signing this Agreement confirms and guarantees to the Carrier the presence of the necessary authority and power of attorney from the Passenger(s) to conclude this Agreement in their interest. In this case, the Customer is jointly liable under the terms of this Agreement, along with the Passenger(s), and the Customer's actions create civil rights and obligations for the Passenger(s) under the terms of this Agreement.

3.4. The Customer (Passenger) is identified by the email address and/or phone number specified when purchasing the Ticket (paper ticket).

3.5. The Customer who has made payment for the Services under this Agreement confirms that they are familiar with and unconditionally accept the terms of this Agreement. If the Customer is not the Passenger, by making payment for the Services, they confirm that they are an authorized person of the Passenger for whom the payment is made, and by making the payment, they confirm that the Passenger is informed of the terms of this Agreement and other information necessary for the Passenger to receive the transportation service.

3.6. Information about the transportation route, date, and time of the start/end of transportation, the Carrier's name, etc., is specified directly in the Ticket (paper ticket) for transportation.


4.1. The Customer (Passenger) has the right to:

4.1.1. Receive timely and complete information about the terms and procedures for providing Services;

4.1.2. Cancel the trip, return the Ticket (paper ticket), and get a refund depending on the return period:

  • Cancellation or cancellation of the route - 100% of the ticket cost paid by the Customer (Passenger) is refunded;

  • Voluntary cancellation by the Customer (Passenger) more than 48 hours before the departure - 15% of the ticket cost paid by the Customer (Passenger) is withheld upon return;

  • Voluntary cancellation by the Customer (Passenger) more than 24 hours before the departure - 50% of the ticket cost paid by the Customer (Passenger) is withheld upon return;

  • Voluntary cancellation by the Customer (Passenger) more than 12 hours before the departure - 75% of the ticket cost paid by the Customer (Passenger) is withheld upon return;

  • Voluntary cancellation by the Customer (Passenger) more than 1 hour before the departure - 85% of the ticket cost paid by the Customer (Passenger) is withheld upon return;

  • Voluntary cancellation by the Customer (Passenger) less than 1 hour before the departure – the ticket cost is not refunded.

4.1.3. Obtain a seat in the vehicle according to the purchased ticket;

4.1.4. Carry free baggage within the norms established by this Agreement and the Transportation Rules;

4.1.5. Carry pets within the norms established by this Agreement and the Transportation Rules;

4.1.6. Other rights provided by this Agreement.

4.2. Obligations of the Customer (Passenger):

4.2.1. Before purchasing the Ticket (paper ticket), familiarize themselves with this Agreement, the transportation rules, tariffs for transportation, and other documents posted on the Website or in the Mobile Application and related to transportation, accurately determine the date and time of the trip, schedule, and route, ensure the presence of valid travel documents;

4.2.2. Provide necessary and accurate information when ordering the Service;

4.2.3. Immediately check the accuracy of the data specified in the Ticket (paper ticket) immediately after receiving it and, in case of errors, immediately initiate the necessary changes;

4.2.4. Pay for the Services according to the terms of this Agreement and the tariffs of the Carrier;

4.2.5. Keep the Ticket (paper ticket) and present it upon request by the Carrier;

4.2.6. Arrive at the departure point in advance;

4.2.7. Carry with them all properly processed documents necessary for entry into the destination countries, transit countries along the transportation route, and present them upon request by the Carrier, its drivers, and persons authorized to carry out control;

4.2.8. Occupy the seat specified in the Ticket (paper ticket), keep it, and present it in an unfolded form upon request by the Carrier, its drivers, and persons authorized to carry out control;

4.2.9. Embark (disembark) only after the complete stop of the bus;

4.2.10. Inform the driver about found forgotten items, documents, and valuables;

4.2.11. Be informed about customs rules and the procedure for crossing state borders of the countries along the transportation route;

4.2.12. During the provision of Services, diligently follow the recommendations of the ticket sales agent / Carrier and its drivers;

4.2.13. Handle the equipment of the vehicle carefully and avoid damaging it;

4.2.14. Fulfill other obligations provided by this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine and the legislation of foreign countries along the transportation route.

4.3. The Carrier has the right to:

4.3.1. Limit or suspend the provision of passenger and baggage transportation services in case of force majeure (circumstances of insurmountable force);

4.3.2. Stop the movement of the vehicle in case of a threat to the life and health of Passengers or other persons;

4.3.3. Independently change the terms of the Agreement, including adjusting current tariffs, changing the terms of this Agreement by publishing a notice of such changes on the Website, in the Mobile Application;

4.3.4. Refuse transportation to the Passenger in case of violation of the requirements (provisions) defined by the Transportation Rules;

4.3.5. Not accept for transportation baggage and items restricted for transportation under the conditions defined by the Transportation Rules, the current legislation of Ukraine;

4.3.6. Offer additional paid services to Passengers;

4.3.7. Require the Passenger to comply with the terms of the Agreement, adhere to the legislation of the countries along the transportation route, comply with the Transportation Rules in force on the territory of foreign countries along the transportation route;

4.3.8. Sell reserved but unpaid seats;

4.3.9. Other rights provided by the legislation and this Agreement.

4.4. The Carrier undertakes to:

4.4.1. Take measures to provide safe, convenient, and high-quality Services;

4.4.2. Provide information and consultations on issues arising from Passengers regarding the use of Services: placing an order, booking a seat, additional baggage, etc.;

4.4.3. Fulfill other obligations provided by this Agreement.


5.1. The Passenger must arrive at the bus departure point indicated in the Ticket (paper ticket) no later than 30 minutes before departure and register with the attendant no later than 20 minutes before the time indicated in the Ticket (paper ticket) for the bus departure.

5.2. In the absence of the Passenger at the agreed place for boarding the vehicle and at the time of departure, the transportation is considered canceled, and all contractual obligations are terminated at the initiative of the Passenger. In this case, the cost of the Ticket (paper ticket) is not refunded to the Customer (Passenger).

5.3. In the presence of force majeure (circumstances of insurmountable force), the boarding location may be changed unilaterally by the Carrier, about which the Carrier notifies the Passenger in advance before the bus departure. The Passenger is considered to have agreed to the conditions proposed by the Carrier without remarks and any claims to the Carrier if the Passenger continues the journey under the conditions proposed by the Carrier. Subsequent claims by the Passenger on any issues regarding this are not considered and are not subject to satisfaction.

5.4. Boarding is carried out at the chosen by the Passengers seats according to the presented Ticket (paper ticket). The Carrier has the right to change the seat number chosen by the Passenger.

5.5. Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from sitting in the seats next to the driver, i.e., numbers 1 and 2.

5.6. Children under the age of 12 or up to 145 cm tall must travel in special devices (child seat/booster).

5.7. Children under 16 years old are transported only with the consent of their parents (adopters), legal representatives. Children aged 16 years are allowed to travel unaccompanied by adults but with the presence of one of the parents' (legal representative's) consent.

5.8. During boarding, the Passenger must present valid travel documents and check-in their baggage in the baggage compartment. The Passenger is warned that in case of refusal to present documents or in the absence of any necessary valid travel documents (expired), the Carrier has the right to unilaterally terminate the agreement with the Passenger without refunding the cost of the Ticket (paper ticket). The Carrier also has the right to refuse the trip to the Passenger if the bus driver has reasonable suspicions that at least one of the travel documents may cause the Passenger problems with border services and delays during border crossings.

5.9. The driver of the passenger vehicle does not allow the trip to Passengers who:

5.9.1. Do not have tickets or do not present an established sample certificate confirming the right to fare discounts;

5.9.2. Do not have valid travel documents;

5.9.3. Are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs;

5.9.4. Disrupt public order;

5.9.5. Carry dangerous goods, particularly flammable, explosive, and those that can soil the bus or passengers' clothing.

5.9.6. Passengers who present a passport of the Russian Federation.

In the event of the Passenger being denied the trip in the cases provided for in this Agreement, the Agreement is considered fulfilled, even though the transportation was carried out in a different volume than provided for in the Ticket (paper ticket), the trip cost is not refunded, and claims are not considered by the Carrier.

5.10. If the Passenger is detained at the state border for document checks, individual inspection, customs procedures regarding their personal belongings and baggage, the Agreement is considered fulfilled, even though the transportation was carried out in a different volume than provided for in the ticket, the bus has the right to continue the route without the Passenger, their personal belongings, and baggage, the trip cost is not refunded, and claims are not considered by the Carrier.

5.11. The bus makes stops along the route according to the schedule, taking into account force majeure circumstances that may arise during the trip and which the bus driver cannot influence (weather conditions, traffic jams, road obstacles, actions and decisions of state control authorities, actions and decisions of state and local authorities and administrations, queues at state borders, bus accidents, and unforeseen technical malfunctions).

5.12. The duration of stops is announced by the driver. After the driver announces the stop, the Passenger must return to the bus cabin before the announced time expires. If the Passenger does not return to the bus cabin within 5 (five) minutes after the specified time, the driver has the right to continue the trip without the Passenger, and the Passenger who is late continues the trip independently, the trip cost is not refunded, and claims are not considered by the Carrier.

5.13. The arrival time indicated in the Ticket (paper ticket) is approximate, taking into account force majeure circumstances that may arise during the trip (weather conditions, traffic jams, road obstacles, actions and decisions of state control authorities, actions and decisions of state and local authorities and administrations, queues at state borders, bus accidents, and unforeseen technical malfunctions), including force majeure circumstances.

5.14. If the Passenger does not make it to the guaranteed transfer or is not delivered to the destination specified in the Carrier's tickets, the Carrier may provide the passenger with an alternative route, bus, and/or an alternative option for delivery to the final destination. If the Passenger refuses to use the alternative route, bus, and/or alternative delivery option, the Passenger is refunded the cost of the unused part of the trip based on the fare per 1 km.

5.15. The Passenger is considered to have agreed to use the Carrier's alternative bus and/or alternative delivery option without remarks and any claims to the Carrier if they continue the journey on the alternative route, bus, and/or alternative delivery option to the destination offered by the Carrier. In such cases, subsequent claims by the Passenger on any issues regarding this are not considered and are not subject to satisfaction by the Carrier.

5.16. Boarding and disembarking of Passengers are carried out in accordance with the Carrier's permit documents. Boarding and disembarking in other places are prohibited. The Passenger must board the bus at the departure point specified in their Ticket (paper ticket).

5.17. The bus schedule does not provide for disembarking passengers within settlements in violation of traffic rules.

5.18. If there is a delay in departure for any reason from the departure point or arrival at the destination specified in the Ticket (paper ticket), the Passenger can use the trip with the changed schedule and/or route or initiate the return of the unused part of the trip based on the fare per 1 km. If the Passenger uses the trip with the changed schedule and/or route, subsequent claims are not considered by the Carrier.

5.19. If the Passenger arrives for boarding in dirty clothes, in a state of intoxication (including the effects of alcohol/drugs) or otherwise threatens, restricts the safety, health, or comfort of other Passengers and/or the crew, behaves inadequately, aggressively, suspiciously, or does not have valid documents necessary for crossing the border, the Carrier has the right to unilaterally terminate the transportation agreement. In such cases, the Passenger is not allowed on the trip, subsequent claims are not considered by the Carrier.

5.20. During the trip, Passengers are prohibited from:

5.20.1. Transporting substances and items dangerous to human life and health, as well as substances and items that can harm the property of other Passengers.

5.20.2. Consuming any alcoholic beverages.

5.20.3. Smoking in the bus cabin or toilet.

5.20.4. Interfering with the driver's work or creating inconvenience to other Passengers with their behavior.

5.20.5. Putting feet on the seats or obstructing the passage in the bus.

5.20.6. Lying on the seats or on the bus floor.

5.21. For the safety of the Passenger and to avoid causing harm to other passengers and the vehicle, it is not recommended to move around the bus cabin or stand in the aisles without necessity while the bus is moving.

5.22. If the Passenger encounters problems with any state authorities during the trip, and if the Passenger violates the Transportation Rules, the bus driver has the right to disembark the Passenger from the bus or contact law enforcement authorities and act according to their instructions. In such cases, the Ticket (paper ticket) cost is not refunded, and subsequent claims are not considered by the Carrier.

5.23. If the Passenger does not comply with customs and border rules and is detained at the border, causing a delay of more than 15 minutes, the bus driver has the right to leave the border according to the bus schedule without the Passenger, and the cost of the trip is not refunded, subsequent claims are not considered by the Carrier.

5.24. The Carrier does not guarantee and is not responsible for the timely arrival of buses at destinations, transfers to other types of transport and other carriers, connecting routes if such a delay or non-arrival occurred not due to the fault of the Carrier's drivers and due to conditions that they cannot influence (delays during border crossings, weather conditions, traffic jams, road obstacles, actions and decisions of state control authorities, actions and decisions of state and local authorities and administrations, queues at state borders, bus accidents, and unforeseen technical malfunctions, road repairs, etc., actions of the Passengers themselves affecting the implementation of these circumstances, etc.), including force majeure circumstances.

5.25. Special conditions:

5.25.1. Passengers over 14 years old can occupy seats behind the drivers.

5.25.2. To ensure the safety of the passengers themselves, passengers with limited mobility (sensory or movement, permanent or temporary, mental) are allowed to travel on the bus only accompanied by another adult. The accompanying person should not be limited in mobility.

5.25.3. The bus schedule does not provide time for visiting Duty-Free.

5.25.4. All seats in the bus are equally comfortable. The Carrier reserves the right to change the Passenger's seat without prior notice due to a bus change or to ensure the safety of passengers and drivers or to maximize the quality of transportation.

5.25.5. If the bus seat is equipped with seat belts by the manufacturer, the Passenger is required to be fastened while the bus is moving.

5.25.6. On the Carrier's internal and international routes, the Passenger is allowed to carry free of charge in the baggage compartment one baggage item and in the bus cabin on the luggage shelf one hand luggage item, the number of items, size, and weight of which is determined by the Carrier according to the following parameters:

Free, per passenger, it is possible to carry two baggage items, total weight:

  • Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia - 40 kg (distributed in 2 bags, each not exceeding 20 kg, size 90x60x40cm) and one hand luggage up to 5 kg;

  • Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland - 40 kg (distributed in 2 bags, each not exceeding 20 kg, size 90x60x40cm) and one hand luggage up to 5 kg.

The cost of a discounted ticket includes standard baggage allowances.

5.26. Additional baggage is carried if there is free space in the bus baggage compartment, for which an additional fee of 10% of the Ticket (paper ticket) cost is charged for one additional baggage item, except for routes to Germany. On routes to Germany from Ukraine, an additional fee of 1.8 euros per kilogram is charged, from Germany to Ukraine 1.8 euros per kilogram. The availability of free space in the bus baggage compartment is determined at the time of boarding.

When purchasing an additional ticket for one person (Solo Travel -50%), one piece of luggage (suitcase) with dimensions of 90 x 60 x 40 cm and weighing up to 20 kg is allowed free of charge.

5.27. The Carrier has the right to refuse the Passenger to carry additional baggage.

5.28. The Carrier is not responsible for any damage to items not allowed for transportation in the bus baggage compartment, as well as items that are fragile, perishable, improperly packed, valuable items (money, documents, electronic and technical means, etc.) carried in the bus baggage compartment.

5.29. The Carrier is not responsible for damage to registered Baggage, including broken wheels and handles, lost binding straps, and minor damage such as cuts, scratches, dents, or stains that occurred during normal wear and tear and use during the trip. The Passenger is responsible for the safety of hand luggage.

5.30. The Passenger is responsible for the safety of hand luggage in the bus cabin; it is not allowed to place hand luggage in the bus aisle.

5.31. Transportation of animals is permitted if their weight does not exceed 8 kg. A mandatory condition for transportation is the presence of a portable carrier (with a hard bottom) and all necessary documents for crossing the border. The ticket for the animal can be purchased at the full ticket price with a seat provided.

To avoid problems at state borders, travelers with pets must comply with the rules provided by the CMU Resolution "On Animal Transportation" No. 1402 of November 16, 2011, and the requirements of the European Union Regulations. Importing pets into the European Union can be carried out with the following documents:

• Veterinary passport. For which you need to undergo:

• Microchipping;

• Preventive treatment against fleas and worms;

• Rabies vaccination and rabies antibody titer test.

• Veterinary certificate Form No. 1 or form 1-VET.

• Portable container for transporting animals.

More information about traveling with animals can be found at the link: www.dp.dpss.gov.ua/news/pravila-perevezennya-domas hnih-tvarin-za-kordon

5.32. In the absence of valid travel documents for transporting animals, the Passenger will be refused transportation without a refund.

5.33. The "Early Booking" service is a pre-promotional sale of tickets under the following conditions:

  • 30% - when purchasing a ticket 30-39 days before the departure date.

  • 40% - when purchasing a ticket 40-49 days before the departure date.

  • 50% - when purchasing a ticket 50 or more days before the departure date.

5.33.1. The service fee is paid directly when booking the ticket.

5.33.2. Purchased tickets under the "Early Booking" conditions are non-refundable, as these tickets are promotional and the promotion information is displayed in the advertisement on the company's official website https://klr.com.ua/. (Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection")

5.33.3. A ticket purchased under the "Early Booking" conditions can be rescheduled to another date with an additional payment of the difference to the ticket price that applies to another selected route. If the ticket price on the rescheduled date is less than or equal to the ticket price under the "Early Booking" service, the passenger's ticket is rescheduled with an additional payment of 10% of the ticket price purchased under the "Early Booking" service (Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection")

5.34.4. Under the "Early Booking" service, the passenger has the right to carry one free baggage item (suitcase) of size 90 x 60 x 40 cm and weight up to 20 kg. For additional baggage (suitcase) that does not exceed the size of 90x60x40 and weight up to 20 kg, the passenger pays 20 euros or 800 UAH.


6.1. In case of non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under the Agreement, the Parties bear responsibility as provided by the laws and this Agreement.

6.2. The Passenger must handle the bus equipment carefully and avoid damaging it. The Passenger is financially responsible for damage caused to the vehicle and must compensate the Carrier.

6.3. The Carrier is not responsible for the safety of the Customer's/Passenger's baggage, valuables, and documents throughout the entire period of receiving services under this Agreement. The individual receiving the Services is responsible for the safety of their property both in Ukraine and abroad.

6.4. The Customer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided about themselves and the Passengers and the validity of the provided documents. In case of non-departure of the Customer/Passenger due to improper passport or other necessary document processing, including for a child, all financial expenses are borne solely by the Customer/Passenger. If it is found at the border crossing that the Customer/Passenger does not have or has improperly processed documents for crossing the border, causing damage to the Carrier, the Customer/Passenger compensates all Carrier's losses, including fines, penalties, legal expenses, etc.

6.5. If the Customer acted without proper authority regarding purchasing a ticket on behalf of a third person (Passenger(s)) and their actions were not agreed with the Passenger(s), the Customer bears full personal responsibility for any damage to the Passenger(s).

6.6. Incomplete payment by the Customer for Services under this Agreement removes all responsibility from the Carrier related to fulfilling obligations under the Agreement.

6.7. Non-compliance with the Transportation Rules by the Customer (Passenger) may result in order cancellations and denial of access to purchased Services, including the inability to use the Ticket (paper ticket), without a refund of the money spent on its purchase.

6.8. The driver of the passenger vehicle has the right not to allow Passengers without valid travel documents to travel, without refunding the money spent on purchasing the Ticket (paper ticket).


7.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-performance of obligations under this Agreement if such non-performance was caused by force majeure (circumstances of insurmountable force) that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could not foresee and prevent by their actions. Such force majeure includes (but is not limited to): natural disasters, military actions, war, embargo, quarantine, pandemic, epidemic, government decisions that made it impossible to perform this Agreement. The duration of force majeure circumstances is confirmed by a certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (its territorial body).

7.2. Upon the occurrence and termination of the circumstances specified in clause 7.1 of this Agreement, the Party for whom it became impossible to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement must notify the other Party in writing within 5 business days.

7.3. In the absence of timely notification provided in clause 7.2 of this Agreement, the Party is obliged to compensate the other Party for damages caused by the absence of notification or untimely notification, except in cases where such notification was impossible due to force majeure.

7.4. If the force majeure circumstances last more than a month, each Party has the right to initiate the termination of this Agreement by sending written notification to the other Party 15 (fifteen) calendar days before the anticipated termination date.


8.1. This Agreement enters into force from the date of its acceptance by the Customer (Passenger) and remains in effect until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

8.2. Any disputes regarding the performance of this Agreement arising from the initiative of the Customer (Passenger) are subject to review by the relevant court at the location of the Carrier, adhering to the claim procedure. The claim in written form must be sent to the Carrier's location. The Carrier reviews the claim within a month from the date of its receipt unless otherwise specified by the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.3. The Parties have decided that in case of discrepancies between the terms of this Agreement and the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. In everything not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.4. The Carrier and the Customer (Passenger) exchange messages through electronic correspondence. The Customer (Passenger) agrees that all messages, news, and other communications in electronic form composed by the Carrier meet the same legal requirements as in paper form.

Documents transmitted by the Customer (Passenger) electronically to the Carrier may be taken into account by the latter until they are exchanged for originals.

8.5. The Parties to this Agreement take all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality (non-disclosure) of technological, financial, commercial, confidential, and other information and documentation received from the other Party, commercial secrets, and personal data of individuals.


LLC "Lux-Reisen Bis"

EDRPOU code - 42759248,

Location: 29011, Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytske Highway, 12/2,

E-mail: info@lux-reisen.com

Phone: 068-770-60-30 (24/7, free from landline and mobile phones in Ukraine).