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Types of booking bus tickets
Types of booking bus tickets
The bus journey begins when the passenger orders tickets. And nowadays, fortunately, there is more than one way to do it.
Many bus carriers understand their and potential customers, so they try to adapt to their needs, so that ordering tickets is simple, fast and understandable.
So, below we will analyze several options for booking tickets: their advantages and disadvantages. And which of them to use is up to you.
Offline booking
at the ticket office of the bus station or at the branch of the transport agency. This method is traditional and the most proven, it does not require a telephone, Internet access, or even a card payment, because it is possible to pay in cash. Simply arrive at the desired location and ask the ticket office for available bus tickets to your destination. Among the disadvantages of this method, it is worth knowing whether the bus really departs from this bus station, the time spent on the trip to the ticket office, as well as the longer procedure in the case of returning the ticket - it also happens through the ticket office.
Online booking
on the website of the bus carrier or on the website of booking services. A more convenient and faster method than the previous one. There is an opportunity to independently choose the place of departure, the place of arrival, the number of passengers, the date and time of departure from a computer or smartphone. Likewise, you can pay for tickets directly on the website with your bank card. This is convenient, because you don't need to go anywhere to book tickets and you can do everything anywhere, as long as you have access to the Internet.
Application on the phone
An even more convenient way, because you don't even need to search for the site - the booking application is right in the main menu on the phone. Here, as a rule, there is a simple design, no extra information - only what is needed for ordering tickets. There is also an opportunity to save your data so that you don't have to enter your name, surname, phone number and card every time you order tickets. Also, the application stores electronic tickets, which when boarding is enough to show the driver directly from the phone. Often, for those who have the app, the carrier gives additional discounts on tickets.
Electronic tickets
a very convenient alternative to paper ones. The electronic ticket contains all the same information: boarding place, date and time of departure and arrival, passenger data, boarding place and contact information for the dispatcher. And the most convenient difference is that you don't have to worry about printing out a ticket. The driver simply scans your electronic document from the phone when boarding.
Some doubt them, saying: "the phone can discharge or suddenly malfunction." But in the end, even with a discharged phone, if you arrive at the boarding point a little early, the gadget can be recharged on the bus itself. If your seat is already reserved, the driver must have an up-to-date list of passengers on the route. Tell him your contact details - and that way he will have more reasons to seat you - and show the ticket when the phone turns on.
Ticket return
If your plans have changed and you want to return the ticket, return it. The cost of the ticket will be returned to your card within a day. The sooner you return the ticket, the greater percentage of the price will be returned to your card. This tariff is different for each carrier. As a rule, every ticketing website and application has a ticket return section. Yes, you can also do this at the cash desk at the bus station, the main thing is not to delay the return if possible
Everyone chooses their own way of booking tickets depending on their needs and circumstances. If you have a spontaneous trip and you are already at the station, it is easiest to buy a ticket on the spot, have the ticket in hand and be calm. Those who are already used to ordering goods and services online will be more accustomed to ordering on the carrier's website. And if you often travel on the same route, or you like the services of a particular carrier, book tickets from its application. This method takes the least amount of time and trouble, because this way you have everything at hand, your data is already filled in, the card is pulled up and ordering a ticket takes a few minutes.
Which of the booking methods to use is up to you. Travel boldly, book tickets in advance - and don't lose them :)