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50+ useful phrases in Czech that will help during a trip to the Czech Republic

Visiting the Czech Republic, a picturesque country in Central Europe rich in history, culture, and stunning landscapes, will be a wonderful experience that will leave unforgettable impressions.

However, to truly feel the atmosphere and hospitality of this amazing country, it is recommended to learn a few useful phrases in Czech.

Here are a few reasons why knowing Czech can significantly enhance your trip to the Czech Republic:

  • Ease of communication;

  • Demonstration of respect;

  • Independence;

  • Authentic experience;

  • Exploration of new opportunities.

Learning Czech words before your trip to the Czech Republic can greatly improve your experience and make your journey more enjoyable and interesting. Here are a few tips to help you in this process:

  1. Identify key phrases. Make a list of phrases you will need in everyday life, such as greetings, farewells, polite addresses, ordering food and drinks, asking for help, city orientation, and so on.

  2. Use language resources. There are plenty of free and paid resources for learning Czech, such as online courses, mobile apps, dictionaries, phrasebooks, and educational videos.

  3. Practice regularly. Try to practice Czech every day, even for short periods of time. You can talk to native speakers online, listen to Czech music, watch movies and series with Czech subtitles, and read Czech texts.

  4. Learn phrases in context. Try to learn phrases in context, i.e., in combination with other words and sentences. This will help you better understand their meaning and use them correctly.

  5. Don't give up. Learning Czech words is quite challenging and requires time and effort. Don't give up if you don't see results immediately. Continue practicing regularly - and you will definitely succeed.

Чеська мова: слова та фрази

Czech language: words and phrases for greetings

Greetings are an important part of any culture, and the Czech Republic is no exception. Knowing a few basic phrases for greetings will help you make a good first impression on the locals and demonstrate your respect for their language and culture.

Czech phrases for greetings:

  1. Dobrý den (good day). This is the most common greeting used throughout the day. It can be used in any situation, both formal and informal.

  2. Dobrý večer (good evening). This phrase is used in the evening, after sunset.

  3. Ahoj (ahoy). This is an informal greeting used among friends, family members, and young people.

  4. Čau (chow). Another informal greeting, similar to "ahoj".

  5. Zdravím (zdrávіm). This is a more formal greeting that can be used in business situations or when addressing older people.

  6. Rád/a tě vidět (rád/a té ví́dеt). This phrase is used to express joy at meeting someone. It can be translated as "Nice to see you".

  7. Jak se máš? (yak se má́sh). This is an informal question used to ask about someone's well-being. It can be translated as "How are you?".

  8. Jak se máte? (yak se má́tе). This is a more formal question used to ask about someone's well-being. It can be translated as "How are you?".

Czech phrases as responses to greetings:

  1. Na shledanou (ná sledánou). This is a farewell used throughout the day. It can be translated as "Goodbye".

  2. Dobrou noc (dobróu noс). The phrase is used at night. It can be translated as "Good night".

  3. Sbohem (zbóhеm). A more formal farewell that can be used in business situations or when addressing older people.

  4. Adieu (ad'jе́). This is another formal farewell that is used less frequently.

Tip. When greeting someone, it is important to look them in the eye and smile. This will show your sincerity and respect.

Basic Czech phrases for communication at the airport and in transport:

  1. Dobrý den, chtěl/a bych si odbavit zavazadla. Hello, I would like to check in my luggage.

  2. Kde najdu odbavovací přepážku pro můj let? Where can I find the check-in counter for my flight?

  3. Mám zpoždění letu? Is my flight delayed?

  4. Kde najdu toalety? Where can I find the toilets?

  5. Kde najdu informační přepážku? Where can I find the information desk?

  6. Můžu si tu nechat nabít mobil? Can I charge my phone here?

  7. Kde najdu zastávku autobusu do centra města? Where can I find the bus stop to the city center?

  8. Jízdenka, prosím. A ticket, please.

  9. Kolik stojí jízdenka do [destination]? How much is a ticket to [destination]?

  10. Kde vystoupím na [stop name]? Where do I get off at [stop name]?

  11. Prosím, zastavte na příští zastávce. Please, stop at the next stop.

These Czech words for beginners will help you communicate at the airport and in transport in the Czech Republic. Remember that Czechs appreciate the efforts of foreigners trying to learn their language. Do not be afraid of mistakes and use these phrases to make your trip more enjoyable and comfortable.

Czech Words and Phrases for the Hotel

Czech phrases for registration:

  1. Dobrý den, mám rezervaci na jméno [your surname]. Good day, I have a reservation under the name [your surname].

  2. Mám rezervaci na [date]. I have a reservation for [date].

  3. Jsem tu na služební cestu. I am here on a business trip.

  4. Jsem tu na dovolenou. I am here on vacation.

  5. Chtěl/a bych pokoj s [room requirements]. I would like a room with [room requirements].

  6. Potřebuji pokoj pro [number of people] osoby. I need a room for [number of people] people.

  7. Můžu zaplatit kartou? Can I pay by card?

  8. Jaký je kód Wi-Fi? What is the Wi-Fi password?

Czech phrases in the hotel room:

  1. Mohu mít více ručníků? Can I have more towels?

  2. Potřebuji toaletní papír. I need toilet paper.

  3. Můžete mi prosím vyměnit povlečení? Could you please change the bedding?

  4. Mám rozbitou žárovku. My light bulb is broken.

  5. Nefunguje mi televize. My TV is not working.

Basic Czech Words and Phrases for Ordering Food

Czech phrases for ordering a table:

  1. Máte volný stůl pro [number of people] osoby? Do you have a free table for [number of people] people?

  2. Chtěl/a bych si rezervovat stůl na [time]. I would like to reserve a table for [time].

Basic Czech words and phrases for ordering food and drinks:

  1. Mám menu, prosím? Can I have the menu, please?

  2. Chtěl/a bych si dát [dish name]. I would like to have [dish name].

  3. K [dish name] bych si prosím [side dish]. With [dish name], I would like [side dish].

  4. Můžu si prosím dát [drink name]? Can I have [drink name], please?

  5. Chtěl/a bych si dát [quantity] [drink name]. I would like to order [quantity] [drink name].

How to Ask for Directions and Roads in Czech Republic

Чеська мова: слова та фрази

Czech words for beginners that you can use to get directions:

  1. Hledám [place]. I'm looking for [place].

  2. Kudy se tam prosím dostanu? How do I get there, please?

  3. Je to daleko? Is it far?

  4. Jak dlouho to trvá? How long does it take?

  5. Mohli byste mi prosím ukázat na mapě? Could you please show me on the map?

  6. Je tam přímá cesta? Is there a direct way?

  7. Je tam nějaká kratší cesta? Is there a shorter way?

  8. Je tam pěší zóna? Is there a pedestrian zone?

  9. Je tam bezpečné chodit v noci? Is it safe to walk at night?

  10. Je tam parkoviště? Is there a parking lot?

How to Ask about Local Landmarks and Places of Interest

To inquire about local landmarks in Czech, use these phrases:

  1. Jaké jsou tady nejzajímavější památky? What are the most interesting sights here?

  2. Kde najdu [landmark]? Where can I find [landmark]?

  3. Je to daleko odtud? Is it far from here?

  4. Jak dlouho to trvá? How long does it take?

  5. Kolik to stojí? How much does it cost?

  6. Je tam vstupné? Is there an entrance fee?

  7. Je to vhodné pro děti? Is it suitable for children?

  8. Je tam dobrá restaurace v okolí? Is there a good restaurant nearby?

  9. Je tam možné zaparkovat? Is it possible to park there?

Basic Czech Words and Phrases for Shopping

Чеська мова: слова та фрази

Basic Czech words and phrases to help you choose and buy goods in a shop:

  1. Hledám [item]. I'm looking for [item].

  2. Máte [item] v barvě [color]? Do you have [item] in [color]?

  3. Jaká je cena [item]? What is the price of [item]?

  4. Mohu si to prosím prohlédnout? Can I have a look at it, please?

  5. Chci si to koupit. I would like to buy it.

  6. Vezmete prosím kartu? Will you take a card, please?

  7. Kde najdu pokladnu? Where can I find the checkout?

  8. Děkuji. Thank you.

Phrases and Czech Words for Beginners in Unusual Situations

Medical Assistance:

  1. Potřebuji lékařskou pomoc. I need medical help.

  2. Kde je nejbližší nemocnice? Where is the nearest hospital?

  3. Cítím se špatně. I feel unwell.

  4. Mám horečku. I have a fever.

  5. Mám bolest [body part]. I have a pain in [body part].


  1. Máte krásné [body part]. You have beautiful [body part].

  2. Líbí se mi tvůj [clothing/accessory]. I like your [clothing/accessory].

  3. Vaříte skvěle. You cook wonderfully.

  4. Mluvíte skvěle česky. You speak Czech wonderfully.


  1. Chtěl/a bych tě pozvat na [event]. I would like to invite you to [event].

  2. Nemáš chuť jít [somewhere] se mnou? Do you feel like going [somewhere] with me?

  3. Půjdeme na [event] [when]? Shall we go to [event] [when]?

  4. Chceš se sejít [when]? Do you want to meet [when]?

  5. Máme si něco dát [when]? Shall we have a drink [when]?

Other Useful Phrases:

  1. Prosím. Please.

  2. Děkuji. Thank you.

  3. Na zdraví. Cheers (usually used when toasting).

  4. Omlouvám se. I apologize.

  5. Nerozumím. I don't understand.

  6. Mohl/a byste to prosím opakovat? Could you please repeat that?

  7. Mluvte pomaleji, prosím. Speak more slowly, please.

  8. Umíte mi to napsat? Can you write it down for me?

Czech Republic is a wonderful country with a rich history and culture. Knowing a few basic Czech phrases will greatly enhance your stay, whether it's ordering food, asking for directions, or just greeting someone. Don't be afraid to practice, and be sure to have a great time exploring all that this beautiful country has to offer.

Learning even a few key phrases in another language shows respect for the culture and people. It opens doors for more meaningful connections and can greatly enhance your travel experiences. So, if you truly want to experience the Czech Republic, learn a few key phrases and immerse yourself in the experience.

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