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50+ useful french phrases to help during your trip to France

France is a country of refined culture, delicious cuisine, and incredible history. While many French people speak English, knowing French phrases and basic French words will make your trip much more pleasant and authentic. It is not only a way to show respect for the local culture but also a key to uncovering the hidden gems of the country that are often inaccessible to English-speaking tourists.

Here are some reasons why you should learn basic French words before your trip:

  • Deeper cultural immersion

  • More convenient communication

  • Opening new opportunities

  • Unforgettable experiences

Whether you plan to visit romantic Paris, picturesque Provence, or historic Normandy, knowing French will be an invaluable tool during your travels.

French Words for Beginners: Where to Start?

фрази французькою

Learning a new language might seem daunting, but don’t worry! You don’t need to become a French expert before your trip. Here are some tips to help you quickly and effectively master basic French words and phrases:

  • Start with the basics. Focus on essential phrases for greetings, farewells, politeness, and questions.

  • Use different methods. Flashcards, mobile apps, online courses, conversation clubs – choose what suits you best.

  • Practice daily. Even 15 minutes of daily practice will yield better results than long but irregular sessions.

  • Create a language environment. Listen to French music, watch films and series, read simple texts.

  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The key is practice. Feel free to use the learned phrases in real conversations.

Ready to start? Let’s look at 50+ useful phrases that will become your indispensable helpers during your exciting journey through France!

French Words and Phrases for Greetings

базові французькі слова

Let’s start with the basics of communication – greetings and introductions. Here are some useful phrases to help you start a conversation in French.


  1. Bonjour! (Bon-jour!) – Good day! (Universal greeting that can be used at any time of day)

  2. Bonsoir! (Bon-soir!) – Good evening! (Used after 6 PM)

  3. Salut! (Sa-lu!) – Hi! (Informal greeting suitable for friends and acquaintances)

  4. Coucou! (Koo-koo!) – Hi! (Even more informal, similar to “Hi!”)

  5. Enchanté(e)! (En-shan-tay!) – Nice to meet you! (Used after being introduced to someone)

Asking About Well-being:

  1. Comment allez-vous? (Kom-man ta-lay voo?) – How are you? (Formal)

  2. Ça va? (Sa va?) – How’s it going? (Informal)

  3. Comment ça va? (Kom-man sa va?) – How’s it going? (More conversational)

  4. Ça va bien, merci. Et vous? (Sa va byen, mer-see. Eh voo?) – Good, thank you. And you?


  1. Je m’appelle... (Zhuh ma-pel...) – My name is...

  2. Vous êtes...? (Voo zet...?) – You are...? (Formal)

  3. Tu es...? (Tyu eh...?) – You are...? (Informal)

  4. Je suis de... (Zhuh swee duh...) – I am from... (name of country or city)

  5. Je suis touriste. (Zhuh swee toor-eest.) – I am a tourist.

Additional Phrases:

  1. Bienvenue! (Byan-vuh-new!) – Welcome! (You might hear this from locals)

  2. Excusez-moi. (Eks-kew-zay mwa.) – Excuse me. (Used to get attention or apologize)

  3. Pardon. (Par-don.) – Excuse me. (More informal)

Basic French Words and Phrases for Communication at the Airport and in Transport

Here are basic French phrases and words that will be useful at the airport and in transport.

At the Airport:

  1. L’aéroport (la-ay-roh-port) – Airport

  2. Le vol (luh vol) – Flight

  3. L’arrivée (la-ree-vay) – Arrival

  4. Le départ (luh day-par) – Departure

  5. La porte (la port) – Gate

  6. Le billet (luh bee-yay) – Ticket

  7. Le passeport (luh pass-por) – Passport

  8. La valise (la va-leez) – Suitcase

  9. Le bagage à main (luh ba-gazh ah man) – Hand luggage

  10. Le contrôle de sécurité (luh kon-trol duh say-kew-ree-tay) – Security check

  11. La douane (la dwahn) – Customs

  12. Où est...? (oo ay...?) – Where is...?

  13. Je cherche... (zhuh sher-sh...) – I am looking for...

  14. J’ai perdu... (zhay pair-dyu...) – I lost...

  15. Quel est le numéro du vol...? (kel ay luh new-may-roh du vol...?) – What is the flight number...?

  16. À quelle heure est le départ/l’arrivée? (ah kel ur ay luh day-par/la-ree-vay?) – At what time is the departure/arrival?

In Transport:

  1. Le train (luh tran) – Train

  2. La gare (la gar) – Station

  3. Le métro (luh may-troh) – Metro

  4. Le bus (luh boos) – Bus

  5. Le taxi (luh tak-see) – Taxi

  6. Le billet aller simple (luh bee-yay ah-lay san-pl) – One-way ticket

  7. Le billet aller-retour (luh bee-yay ah-lay re-toor) – Round-trip ticket

  8. Je voudrais aller à... (zhuh voo-dray ah-lay ah...) – I would like to go to...

  9. Combien coûte...? (kom-byen koot...?) – How much is...?

  10. Où est l’arrêt de bus/la station de métro? (oo ay la-ray duh boos/la sta-syon duh may-troh?) – Where is the bus stop/metro station?

  11. Je descends ici. (zhuh day-sawn ee-see) – I am getting off here.

French Words and Phrases for the Hotel

A cozy hotel is an integral part of any trip. To make your stay in France as comfortable as possible, learn a few phrases to help you communicate with hotel staff and get everything you need for a great stay.


  1. Une réservation (ewn rez-er-va-syon) – Reservation

  2. Je voudrais réserver une chambre pour... (zhuh voo-dray rez-er-vay ewn shawm-br poor...) – I would like to book a room for...

    ...une personne (ewn pear-son) – One person

    ...deux personnes (duh pear-son) – Two people

  3. Pour combien de nuits? (poor kom-byen duh nwee?) – For how many nights?

  4. Quelle est la date d’arrivée/de départ? (kel ay la dat dar-ee-vay/duh day-par?) – What is the arrival/departure date?


  1. L’accueil (la-kay) – Reception

  2. Je voudrais faire le check-in/check-out. (zhuh voo-dray fair luh chek-in/chek-out) – I would like to check-in/check-out

  3. J’ai une réservation au nom de... (zhay ewn rez-er-va-syon oh nom duh...) – I have a reservation under the name...

  4. Voici mon passeport/ma carte d’identité. (vwah-see mon pass-por/ma kart dee-don-tee-tay) – Here is my passport/ID card

  5. À quelle heure est le petit déjeuner? (ah kel ur ay luh puh-tee day-zhuh-nay?) – At what time is breakfast?

In the Room:

  1. La chambre (la shawm-br) – Room

  2. La clé (la klay) – Key

  3. Le lit (luh lee) – Bed

  4. La salle de bains (la sal duh ban) – Bathroom

  5. La douche (la doosh) – Shower

  6. Les serviettes (lay ser-vyet) – Towels

  7. Le savon (luh sa-von) – Soap

  8. Le shampooing (luh sham-pwan) – Shampoo

  9. La climatisation (la klee-ma-tee-za-syon) – Air conditioning

  10. Le chauffage (luh sho-fazh) – Heating

  11. La télévision (la tay-lay-vee-zon) – Television

  12. Le Wi-Fi (luh wee-fee) – Wi-Fi

How to Order Food and Drinks in French

French cuisine is renowned for its sophistication and variety. To fully enjoy it, it’s important to know how to order in a restaurant or café, which will be made easier with these beginner French words and phrases.

At the Restaurant:

  1. Une table pour... (ewn tabl poor...) – A table for...

    • ...une personne (ewn pear-son) – One person.

    • ...deux personnes (duh pear-son) – Two people.

  2. Je voudrais réserver une table pour... (zhuh voo-dray rez-er-vay ewn tabl poor...) – I would like to reserve a table for...

  3. La carte, s'il vous plaît. (la kart, seel voo play) – The menu, please.

  4. Je prends... (zhuh prahn...) – I will have...

  5. Qu'est-ce que vous recommandez? (kes kuh voo reh-koh-mahn-day?) – What do you recommend?

  6. Je suis végétarien(ne). (zhuh swee vay-zhay-tar-yen) – I am a vegetarian (male/female).

  7. Je suis allergique à... (zhuh swee ah-layr-zheek ah...) – I am allergic to...

  8. L'addition, s'il vous plaît. (la dee-syon, seel voo play) – The bill, please.

  9. Je paie en espèces/par carte. (zhuh pay ahn es-pes/par kart) – I am paying in cash/by card.

Words for Dishes:

  1. Une entrée (ewn ahn-tray) – Starter.

  2. Un plat principal (ahn plah prahn-see-pal) – Main course.

  3. Un dessert (ahn day-ser) – Dessert.

  4. Le poulet (luh poo-lay) – Chicken.

  5. Le poisson (luh pwah-son) – Fish.

  6. La viande (la vyahnd) – Meat.

  7. Les légumes (lay lay-goom) – Vegetables.

  8. La salade (la sa-lad) – Salad.

  9. Le fromage (luh fro-mazh) – Cheese.

  10. Le pain (luh pan) – Bread.

Words for Drinks:

  1. Une carafe d'eau (ewn ka-raf doh) – A carafe of water.

  2. Une bouteille d'eau (ewn boo-tay doh) – A bottle of water.

  3. Un café (ahn ka-fay) – Coffee.

  4. Un thé (ahn tay) – Tea.

  5. Un jus d'orange (ahn zhoo doh-rahnzh) – Orange juice.

  6. Un jus de pomme (ahn zhoo duh pom) – Apple juice.

  7. Une bière (ewn byair) – Beer.

  8. Un verre de vin (ahn vair duh van) – A glass of wine.

  9. Un coca (ahn ko-ka) – Coca-Cola.

How to Ask for Directions in France

French people are usually very friendly and always ready to help tourists find their way. Here are some phrases to help you ask for directions and understand the answers:

Asking for Directions:

  1. Excusez-moi, où est...? (eks-kew-zay mwa, oo ay...?) – Excuse me, where is...?

  2. Je cherche... (zhuh sher-sh...) – I am looking for... (name of place or address).

  3. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer le chemin pour aller à...? (poor-ree-ay voo man-dee-kay luh shuh-man poor ah-lay ah...?) – Could you show me the way to...?

  4. Comment puis-je me rendre à...? (koh-mahn pwee zhuh muh rahnd ah...?) – How can I get to...?

  5. Est-ce que c'est loin d'ici? (es kuh say lwan dee-see?) – Is it far from here?

  6. Combien de temps faut-il pour y aller à pied/en voiture/en transports en commun? (kohm-byen duh tahn foh-teel poor ee ah-lay ah pye/ahn vwah-toor/ahn trans-por ahn koh-muhn?) – How long does it take to get there on foot/by car/by public transport?

Words and Phrases You Might Need:

  1. À gauche (ah gosh) – Left.

  2. À droite (ah drwat) – Right.

  3. Tout droit (too drwa) – Straight ahead.

  4. Au coin de la rue (oh kwan duh la roo) – At the corner of the street.

  5. En face de (ahn fas duh) – Opposite.

  6. Près de (preh duh) – Near.

  7. Loin de (lwan duh) – Far from.

  8. Le carrefour (luh kar-foor) – Intersection.

  9. Le feu (luh fuh) – Traffic light.

  10. Le pont (luh pon) – Bridge.

  11. La station de métro (la sta-syon duh may-troh) – Metro station.

  12. L'arrêt de bus (la-ray duh boos) – Bus stop.

How to Ask About Local Attractions and Interesting Places

французькі слова для початківців

France is famous for its historical landmarks, museums, parks, and other interesting places. To make sure you don’t miss the best spots, don’t hesitate to ask locals about their favorite places and hidden gems. Here are some phrases to help you start a conversation:

  1. Quelles sont les attractions touristiques les plus populaires ici? (kel son lay zah-trak-syon too-ris-teek lay ploo po-pyu-lair ee-see?) – What are the most popular tourist attractions here?

  2. Y a-t-il des musées intéressants à visiter? (ee ah-teel day myoo-zay an-teh-res-sahn ah vee-zee-tay?) – Are there any interesting museums to visit?

  3. Quels sont les endroits que vous recommandez pour découvrir la culture locale? (kel son lay zon-dwah kuh voo reh-koh-mahn-day poor day-koo-vrir la kool-tyoor lo-kal?) – What places do you recommend for discovering the local culture?

  4. Où puis-je trouver de bons restaurants/cafés/bars? (oo pwee zhuh troo-vay duh bon res-toh-rah/ka-fay/bar?) – Where can I find good restaurants/cafés/bars?

  5. Y a-t-il des événements spéciaux qui se déroulent en ce moment? (ee ah-teel day zay-ven-man spay-syo kee suh day-rool ahn suh moh-mahn?) – Are there any special events happening right now?

  6. Quels sont les meilleurs endroits pour faire du shopping? (kel son lay may-yeur zon-dwah poor fair dyoo sho-ping?) – What are the best places for shopping?

  7. Qu'est-ce que je peux faire d'intéressant dans les environs? (kes kuh zhuh puh fair dan-teh-res-sahn dan lay zon-vee-rohn?) – What interesting things can I do in the area?

  8. J'aime beaucoup l'histoire/l'art/la nature. (zhem boh-koo lees-twahr/lar/la nah-tyoor) – I really like history/art/nature.

  9. Je suis intéressé(e) par... (zhuh swee zan-teh-res-say par...) – I am interested in...

  10. Avez-vous des conseils pour les touristes? (ah-vay voo day kon-say poor lay too-reest?) – Do you have any tips for tourists?

  11. Merci pour vos recommandations! (mair-see poor voh reh-koh-mahn-da-syon!) – Thank you for your recommendations!

Essential French Phrases for Shopping

France is a paradise for shoppers. From the fashion boutiques of Paris to the Provencal markets, you will find everything you desire. To make your shopping experience pleasant and successful, here are some phrases to help you communicate with sellers and find perfect purchases.

At the Store:

  1. Je cherche... (zhuh sher-sh...) – I am looking for...

  2. Je voudrais... (zhuh voo-dray...) – I would like...

  3. Est-ce que je peux essayer...? (es kuh zhuh puh eh-say-yay...?) – Can I try on...?

  4. Où sont les cabines d'essayage? (oo son lay ka-been day-say-yazh?) – Where are the fitting rooms?

  5. Ça me va bien? (sa muh va byen?) – Does this suit me?

  6. C'est trop grand/petit. (say troh grahn/puh-tee) – This is too big/small.

  7. Avez-vous une autre taille/couleur? (ah-vay voo ewn oh-tr tay/koo-layr?) – Do you have another size/color?

  8. Combien ça coûte? (kom-byen sa koot?) – How much does this cost?

  9. Je le prends. (zhuh luh prahn) – I’ll take it.

  10. Je ne prends pas. (zhuh nuh prahn pah) – I won’t take it.

  11. Où est la caisse? (oo ay la kess?) – Where is the checkout?

  12. Je paie en espèces/par carte. (zhuh pay ahn es-pes/par kart) – I am paying in cash/by card.

At the Market:

  1. Bonjour, je regarde seulement. (bon-zhoor, zhuh reh-gard sel-man) – Hello, I’m just looking.

  2. C'est combien? (say kom-byen?) – How much is this?

  3. Vous pouvez baisser le prix? (voo poo-vay bay-say luh pree?) – Can you lower the price?

  4. C'est mon dernier prix. (say mon der-nyay pree) – This is my final price.

  5. Je vais réfléchir. (zhuh vay ray-flay-sheer) – I’ll think about it.

Ready for Anything: Phrases for Unexpected Situations

Travel is always an adventure, and things don’t always go as planned. Be prepared for surprises by learning a few phrases that can help you in various situations, from medical assistance to compliments and invitations.

Medical Assistance:

  1. J'ai besoin d'un médecin. (zhay buh-zwan dan mayd-san) – I need a doctor.

  2. Où est l'hôpital le plus proche? (oo ay lo-pee-tal luh ploo prosh?) – Where is the nearest hospital?

  3. Je suis malade. (zhuh swee ma-lad) – I am sick.

  4. J'ai mal à... (zhay mal ah...) – I have a pain in... (part of the body).

  5. Appelez une ambulance, s'il vous plaît. (ahp-lay ewn ahm-byoo-lans, seel voo play) – Call an ambulance, please.


  1. Vous êtes très gentil(le). (voo zet tray zhan-tee) – You are very kind.

  2. C'est très joli. (say tray zhoh-lee) – It is very pretty.

  3. J'adore votre... (zhah-dor votr...) – I love your... (clothes, hairstyle, etc.).

  4. Vous parlez très bien français. (voo par-lay tray byen frahn-say) – You speak French very well.


  • Voulez-vous prendre un café avec moi? (voo-lay voo prahnd-ruh ahn ka-fay ah-vek mwa?) – Would you like to have a coffee with me?

  • On pourrait aller dîner ensemble. (on poo-ray ah-lay dee-nay ahn-sahm-bluh) – We could go for dinner together.

We hope these 50+ useful French phrases help you feel more confident and comfortable during your trip to France. Remember, even basic language knowledge can open doors to new acquaintances, experiences, and opportunities. Don’t hesitate to use the phrases you’ve learned, interact with locals, and enjoy the atmosphere and flavors of France!

Bon voyage! (Have a good trip!)

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